The migrant pantry


Guía de la València migrante. Gastronomic guide of migrant Valencia published by Cocinas Migrantes.

Text :Lidia Caro 

We open the door of that other Valencian pantry, the one that goes beyond vegetable gardens, rice fields and fish markets and is nourished by food from overseas. Through small grocery stores, distribution and marketing companies of exotic products, establishments run by migrants or restaurants that delve into fusion and foreign flavors, the Valencian pantry is brimming with global flavors and nutrients. 

Illustration made from stamps stamped with different color inks on paper.

The migrant pantry

Illustration . Layout . Editorial . Merchandising . Social Media

Editorial project. Gastronomic guide of migrant Valencia published by Cocinas Migrantes.

Text :Lidia Caro 

We open the door of that other Valencian pantry, the one that goes beyond vegetable gardens, rice fields and fish markets and is nourished by food from overseas. Through small grocery stores, distribution and marketing companies of exotic products, establishments run by migrants or restaurants that delve into fusion and foreign flavors, the Valencian pantry is brimming with global flavors and nutrients. 


Illustration made from stamps stamped with different color inks on paper.